Calames: Catalogue en ligne des archives et des manuscrits de l'enseignement supérieur.
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Images in Calames

"Calames Plus" services have been released in June 2012 and enable institutional members of Calames network to load digital pictures and to link them to records and finding aids of their choice. These pictures are displayed, first via a clickable thumbnail, then in all their details in a specific viewer.

Whereas URLs of records are built with roots like:[identifier], links to related surrogates available via �Calames Plus� begin wi[identifier].

Surrogates which are currently available are the following :

Curie Museum

box curie

Digital reproductions of photographs from ACJC collections (Curie and Joliot-Curie Association) are available from this record: and following components.

Mazarine Library

box curie

Digital reproductions of seven manuscripts from Mazarine Library�s collections are available:

Jacques Doucet Literary Library

box doucet

Surrogates of a selection of copyright-free documents coming from Jacques Doucet�s Collection are available, e.g. Verlaine�s, Mallarm�s or Radiguet�s manuscripts. Here is an all-comprehensive list of these documents :

Jaques Doucet Collection : Verlaine's manuscripts

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